Search Results

  1. mews2much

    I have a secret!!!!

    I am getting a new show cat in the next few months. I think I have her name picked out already.
  2. mews2much

    Coco Feb/March1992-9/10/10

    Today I think Coco threw another blood clot or had another stroke. She tried so hard to live and was given 5 months to live in Jan/Feb 2009. She beat the odds then I was hoping she would have another chance. When I got new kittens she would accept them and let them nurse on her as if they were...
  3. mews2much

    Tica annual

    The TICA Annual was fun. Polar acted so bad I had to pull him. I could not risk a judge getting hurt. I met Lianna and Cheryl from this site. I also met Ed Cleo/Polars breeder and some other sphynx breeders.
  4. mews2much

    Severe URI in CRF cat

    My poor Coco has been very sick with a URI the last few days. I have had to force feed her the last 2 days and use vicks with a vaporizer. The discharge from her nose was very thick and green. Now she has a cough. She started antibiotics on sat and the discharge is almost gone. Her poor nose is...
  5. mews2much

    Anyone Else ever do Epogen shots themselves?

    I gave Coco her Epogen shot for the first time tonight. The vet showed me how to do it and I hope I did it right. Her PCV was 20% last Thurs up from 18% the week before. I sure hope the Epogen will help her. She also may have a clotting problem now also or liver problems.
  6. mews2much

    Anyone know any sites were I can order 1 or 2 bags of fluids at a time

    The place I get Cocos fluids from makes you order 12 bags at a time. Coco is very sick with her problems so I need a place that is good that I can order 2 bags of fluid at a time.
  7. mews2much

    Wrinkles and Polars MP TICA Show Results

    Wrinkles got 4th Best Alter and Polar got 3 10th Best Alter. There were 3 sphynx alters. The show was fun. Wrinkles needs one more final to Grand and Polar needs 2 more finals to Grand. One of the judges told me after the show that she thought Polar was from Ed when she judged him.
  8. mews2much

    Some good sphynx news for my sister

    Since Twilight died a few breeders have offered a sphynx to my sister through me. One is a good breeder on the east coast who HCM scans and really cares about the breed. My sister is going to get her 7 month old boy.
  9. mews2much

    Update on Coco my CRF and Anemic cat

    The vet said we will hold off on more kidney tests for awhile. Cocos PCV stayed the same last week. When it falls to 20% we will start the Epogen which should be this Thurs. Snickerdoodle Boos mom sent me some of the Hi Tor and Coco likes it. She still does not walk well. The vet did start her...
  10. mews2much

    R.I.P. Twilight my sisters sphynx

    My Nephew found Twilight dead today. She was only 1.2 years old.
  11. mews2much

    Sudden death in sphynx cats

    My nephew found my sisters sphynx Twilight dead today. I am thinking it may have been HCM. She was only 1.2 years old. I told her to tell the breeder but she believes the breeder never cared about her since she got the cat. Twilight was the sphynx we went to So Cal to get.
  12. mews2much

    Senior food for CRF cats

    Does anyone know what senior foods are ok to feed a cat with CRF. Coco does not want to eat her renal food anymore. The vet said I can try senior food.
  13. mews2much

    Anyone want to meet me in So Cal Aug 14th-16th?

    We are going to Arcadia to show my cats August 15th. I will be there from the 14th-16th if anyone wants to come to the show or meet us.
  14. mews2much

    Anyone going to the TICA Annual?

    I was wondering if anyone is going to the TICA Annual? Lianna said she is coming and she will ask to bench with me. It should be a fun show. I heard the ribbons will be great and everyone gets one when they come in.
  15. mews2much

    The Revenge of Kittey Galore is causing problems for us sphynx people

    The movie comes out today and already I have been getting many people asking if they can buy a sphynx. Wrinkles breeder has had to turn so many people away because they want a sphynx just because of this movie. I am getting ask if they bite. People think sphynx are easy to care for when they are...
  16. mews2much

    CRF/Epogen/Hi Tor

    Coco will start Epogen on Thurs. Has anyone used it before for their cats? My Stripe got the shots in 2000 and she did not last very long after that. Does anyone know anything about Hi Tor cat food. I am thinking of trying it with Coco.
  17. mews2much

    Blood Transfusions/CRF Cats

    We have decided to try a blood transfusion with Coco and hope it helps. The vet said she is so weak because of the anemia is worse.
  18. mews2much

    Polar Bare and Wrinkles MP TICA Regional Show Results

    The show started off bad because the Bengal went after Polar when I went to put him in his sturdi that was next to Leo. Then he was afraid of the cats in the ring and was hissing which he never does. So I put Polar in the sturdi with Cleo and put Wrinkles in the single. Leo was being mean to all...
  19. mews2much

    Coco is very bad now

    The I.V. has not helped her at all. Her numbers went up even with the treatment. She said I can take her home and try to get her to eat but she does not have much time left.
  20. mews2much

    Cleo was the 8th best sphynx alter in CFA last season!!!!

    I got a letter from CFA saying Cleo was the 8th best sphynx alter in CFA last year. Her name will be in the year book. I know if I was able to keep showing her she would have been in the top 4. She was 10 points from 3rd place when I stopped showing her. Cleo also was the number 1 sphynx alter...