Search Results

  1. PeachyLauren

    Scared Kitty

    He’s actually unsure of how long he’ll be staying for now, he’s naturally super calm and loves all types of animals so I’m sure he’d be okay with taking some time to let her know she’s got nothing to worry about! Thank you so much for the info! :D❤️
  2. PeachyLauren

    Scared Kitty

    My kitty LuLu is a nervous girl by nature and she doesn’t like meeting new people. She’s a partial outdoor cat, she stays in the backyard and comes in for most of the day, goes out mostly to get fresh air. A few days ago my brother came to town and he’s staying at our house for a while... and...
  3. PeachyLauren

    Maine Coon Traits?

    Thank you! And I believe the last time we checked he was 9 - 10 pounds :)
  4. PeachyLauren

    Maine Coon Traits?

    Aww thanks! And me too, I see the coon mainly in his face as well :D♡
  5. PeachyLauren

    Maine Coon Traits?

    Wooah! I didn't even know the Neva Masquerade existed! Thanks for the info!
  6. PeachyLauren

    Maine Coon Traits?

    Hey everyone! A while ago I adopted a mixed cat. I didn't adopt him for the breed, I just thought he was a beautiful and I was ready for a new cat so I took him in! The person said he was a Siamese mix ( not sure about that ) he's got so many different breeds in him I didn't bother guessing just...
  7. PeachyLauren

    The Correct Cat Food

    Definitely thinking about raw! Thank you for the information!! <3
  8. PeachyLauren

    Feeding Raw And Kibble?

    My bad.. I've read many different articles and most of them said that it can make the cat "ill" to mix dry and wet food, I definitely wasn't aware that they just digest at different rates, thank you!
  9. PeachyLauren

    Feeding Raw And Kibble?

    Thank you for the info! Wondering about the scheduled meals, what makes scheduled better than free feeding? Thanks!
  10. PeachyLauren

    The Correct Cat Food

    Thank you very much!!
  11. PeachyLauren

    The Correct Cat Food

    Just wondering what options there are for the healthiest kibble / dry food for my cats! Thanks <3 Lauren
  12. PeachyLauren

    Feeding Raw And Kibble?

    Hello! I am new to the site and looking for advice on this matter: I have 2 cats, Lulu and Lion. They are both currently on just regular kibble in a free feeder. I've heard that raw food can help cats out tremendously health wise! I am aware that you should never mix kibble and raw in the same...