Search Results

  1. Winchester

    Need help with Word (Page Numbering)

    I'm finishing up my new cookbook and keep running into a problem with Word, specifically Page Numbering. My Appetizers section ended with Page 31. I want to start my Breads and Rolls section with Page 34 (because I have a Chapter Cover picture, which would be pages 32 and 33. Hence the...
  2. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, June 1

    Happy Weekend! What is one thing you refuse to live without? Maybe it's your coffee or tea in the morning. Maybe you have a special treat or snack that you love. It could be a special book or certain kind of music. What would it be for you? For me, it's probably music. As soon as I get in the...
  3. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, May 25

    Happy Weekend! What is your favorite bread? Do you like white bread, whole wheat, multi-grain? We prefer multi-grain. But since I've been dealing with kidney issues, my nephologist prefers just plain old white bread. Bleah. We like Nature's Own Perfectly Crafted Multi-Grain. What about you? I...
  4. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, May 18

    Happy Weekend! We finally got a few peaks of sun late this afternoon. As a side for your main dish, would you prefer: vegetables, salad, a starch like potatoes, noodles, rice? I love potatoes, but cannot eat them anymore due to the potassium. So I'm eating white rice as a side (can't even have...
  5. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, May 11

    Happy (Rainy) Weekend! Rick and I are getting ready to start season 6 of Northern Exposure. Name a tv show or shows that you’ve seen every episode. X-Files Supernatural Six Feet Under Dexter Elementary There are more, but I can’t think of them.
  6. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, May 4

    Happy Weekend! What is the ringtone to your phone? For me, it's the intro to Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple For Rick, it's the intro to Thunderstruck by ACDC
  7. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, April 27

    Happy Weekend! (It's raining here!) Name an item in your house and tell the story behind it. How did you get it? What is its purpose (if it has one)? Show a picture. Several years ago, we went to an Amish furniture maker about making a bookcase and filing cabinet. I wanted the bookcase for...
  8. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, April 20

    We went to Trader Joe's today. I only bought a few things: Olive oil, 10 pounds of unsalted butter ($3.99 pound and it's good butter), lower sodium soy sauce, balsamic vinegar. I love TJ's balsamic vinegar. What's your favorite grocery store? Where do you shop for groceries most often? Our...
  9. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, April 6

    Happy Weekend! Do you make a grocery list before shopping? Or do you "wing it"? Do you use coupons at all? I pretty much keep a running list. As I open the last container of something, I add it to my list. I use my list primarily for shopping at Sam's Club, but if I need milk or Rick needs...
  10. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, March 30

    Happy Weekend! What is your favorite Easter candy? Do you indulge? While my favorite candy will always be peanut M & Ms, I always want a chocolate bunny for Easter. It doesn't have to be a big bunny; I usually only eat the ears myself and the rest would be shared with Dear Richard. But those...
  11. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, March 23

    Happy Weekend! It's very cool and rainy here today. Perfect to do a bit of online shopping. I just pre-ordered Douglas Preston's Extinction on Amazon this morning. It should be here on April 23. What's the last thing you purchased, whether online or in a B&M?
  12. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, March 16

    Happy Weekend! Do you remember drive-in movies? Did you go to the drive-in? Mom and Dad used to take us to the local drive-in. Mom made sandwiches for us and we kids put our pajamas on, so that when we got home, we could just hop into bed. We never went to the concession stand or anything...
  13. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, March 9

    Happy Weekend! How old were you when you got your drivers' license? Who taught you how to drive? I was 17 when I got my license. Rick's sister taught me how to drive; Rick couldn't do it. (I taught our son because Rick was too nervous to do it. I also taught him how to drive a manual tranny.)...
  14. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, March 2

    Happy Weekend! Sorry for the lateness. We visited with Rick's mom this morning for a while and then lounged around the afternoon. So while I'm making dinner and the popovers are in the oven, I thought, "Holy crap! I forgot the QofD!" :paperbag: When you're introduced to somebody and you tell...
  15. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, February 24

    Happy Weekend! My apologies for the late QoTD today. The nausea started early this morning and is lasting pretty much all day. I generally feel crappy. It's that time of year again! The Girl Scout cookie season is upon us. What's your favorite Girl Scout cookie? Do you buy them? Of course, we...
  16. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, February 17

    Happy Weekend! Would you buy and live in a house that somebody died in? I don't think I could, esp if somebody was murdered in the house. Dying of natural causes is one thing, but if somebody was murdered, no.
  17. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, February 10

    Happy Weekend! Do you wear glasses? Contacts? How long have you worn glasses? Do you need to wear them all the time or only when reading or doing certain things, like driving? If you don't have contacts, would you switch over to contacts? I've had glasses since I was around 3 years old. I've...
  18. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, February 3

    Happy Weekend! Has does your style of cooking resemble how your mom cooked? Do you cook like she does/did? How different do you cook? I have many of my mom's favorite recipes and I use them. Some of them have been handed down from my grandmother and aunts. Her Old Black Joe cake is delicious...
  19. Winchester

    Question of the Day, January 27

    Happy Weekend! Do you eat cereal? What's your cereal of choice? Do you eat it for breakfast or as a snack? We usually have a box of Frosted Mini Wheats in the pantry for Rick and Tabby to munch on at night. Tabby loves the stuff. Me? I love, love, love regular Cap'n Crunch! I really can't have...
  20. Winchester

    Question of the Day, Saturday, January 20

    Happy Weekend! What do you keep the temp in your house? What kind of heat do you have? Do you supplement with wood or coal? Our house is right around 68F. We have electric heat, which is probably the worse kind of heat to have. I couldn't live without the electric blanket on the bed. What...