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  1. J

    Excessive water drinking-possibly tumor/cancer

    Returned my cat to the vet today for a follow up visit. She was happy with the area as it is no longer a raised bump. It's flat and crusty but does seem to be a little bigger. She instructed me to apply Neosporin to the area twice a day. Reading online several sites are against using it on...
  2. J

    Excessive water drinking-possibly tumor/cancer

    At times he does squint his eye like something is in it but he never scratches the area. Vet did check but didn't see anything. Other than that it bothers me more than it appears to bother him. Vet said should see some improvement in 3 days. So if no improvement in a couple of days will take him...
  3. J

    Excessive water drinking-possibly tumor/cancer

    He weighs 14.5 pounds and lost .5 pound since his vaccines 2 months ago. However he's been on a diet so that could be why. No real noticeable changes in appearance. He will let me touch the area. 3 additional pictures attached 1- Taken at vets office 8 days ago, no sign of wound or whatever on...
  4. J

    Excessive water drinking-possibly tumor/cancer

    I'm not exactly sure, they did a complete blood test including urinalysis with no major issues noted. I will bring this issue up next visit. Thanks
  5. J

    Excessive water drinking-possibly tumor/cancer

    I took my 7.5 year old male cat to vet last week because of excessive water consumption. Vet checked him out real good, ran blood test and said not a diabetic or kidney issues. The very next day a spot appeared above his right eye and I thought it was possibly ringworms. See attached pictures...
  6. J

    Cat drinking a lot of water here lately

    Thanks for the input. My cat also will lay down by his water bowl. I was able to get him into the vet today because they had a cancellation. They did a Senior Panel blood test including Urinalysis testing. The vet said everything looked normal and nothing stood out. Glucose was 104. His...
  7. J

    Cat drinking a lot of water here lately

    My 7.5 year old male cat has started drinking a lot of water here lately. He hates wet food but does eat a little and I always add water to it. I have a vet appointment for next week to have him checked out. He mainly eats dry food, trust me I've tried wet but he just doesn't eat it, at best he...
  8. J

    Cat will not use litter box

    7.5 year old male cat stopped using the litter box awhile back. He goes outside a few times of day and I assume that's when he does his business. He does not use the litter box or anywhere in the house. The box is plenty big enough for him to turn around in and take care of his business. I...
  9. J

    Cat apparently shot with pellet gun

    I have a cat that for at least a year had a lump on the side of his neck and leg. Last year during his annual exam the vet said it wasn’t anything to worry about. He was a stray that I took in. Well tonight I was rubbing the side of his neck and a pellet fell out. He must’ve been shot before...
  10. J

    Depo-Medrol / Clavacillin for URI

    7 year old male cat sneezing, watery eyes, shaking head, runny nose. Took to vet and she gave him a shot of Depro-Medrol and said if no improvement in a few days she would write script for antibiotic. Fast forward 2 days and I don't see much if any improvement. Cat sleeps more than normal and...
  11. J

    OTC cold medication / thermometer

    7 year old male cat appears to have a cold. Sneezing, head shaking, watery eyes, runny but not plugged up nose. He licks the bottom of his nose his like perhaps nasal drip issues. I have scheduled him a vet visit for 2 days from now. In the meantime is there any OTC cold medication I could give...
  12. J

    Cat ear swollen after fight

    Took back to vet this morning and they gave him Zorbium topical solution on the back of his neck. Apparently it last 4 days. Guess I'll hold my breath and hope for the best. Not the best of reviews. Instructed to clean around the wound with warm water and gauze.
  13. J

    Cat ear swollen after fight

    It was a long term injection of Convenia Antibiotic. I tried cleaning wound with warm water gauze pad this morning but he won't let me touch it. It's draining and crusting over from the discharge. He was not sent home with a collar and is slapping at the wound with his paw, nails were trimmed...
  14. J

    Cat ear swollen after fight

    10 hours after surgery and cat is obviously in pain. He shakes his head all the time, crying out, and will not let me near him. He has an opening about 1/2" long left unclosed on the top of the ear and I guess for draining. I would've thought they would send him home with some sort of pain...
  15. J

    Cat ear swollen after fight

    Cat was sent home without any instructions for cleaning or not of the wound after abscess removed. Blood on inside of the ear as well. I would like to clean it up but as mentioned zero at home instructions or follow up. Looks like vet just made a cut to the outside of the ear and drained it...
  16. J

    Cat ear swollen after fight

    I took my cat to the vet this morning and they will sedate him, shave the hair on his ear , cut open the wound on the inside of his ear and drain and flush a few times until cleaned out. It was swollen fairly good this morning and full of gook and he fussed when I touched it....Vet said it looks...
  17. J

    Cat ear swollen after fight

    I typically let my cat outside daily. Yesterday he was in a fight with a stray cat. Today the flap of his ear is swollen and has puss in it, some of which is draining out thru the cut. I'm assuming it's an infection caused by the other cat scratching the inside of the ear. I will take him to the...
  18. J

    Pododermatitis (Pillow Foot)

    1 year old cat was diagnosed with Pillow Foot. He has it real bad on his left rear paw. He was treated at another vet about 6 weeks ago for his right paw and somewhat cleared up. The vet knew about at much as I do about it so we changed vets. This time it's on his left rear paw and much worse...
  19. J

    Indoor cat agressive with ferals

    I have 2 male 6 year old neutered cats that I keep indoors for the most part but let out a couple of times a day to roam the yard. I also feed about 6 outdoor feral cats on my porch. My indoor cats for the most part get along except for the ocassional brotherly spats. I have one of my cats that...
  20. J

    Broken front leg

    Stray cat came along with what i'm sure is a broken right leg. She won't allow anyone to get close to her. I have a net and can try and catch her. The problem is I'm a senior on a fixed income and can't afford vet bills. I called around and vets in this area want $150 just to look at not...