Adopting kitty triplets

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  • #21


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Young Cat
Feb 27, 2014
london, ontario canada
Hi gemsgem....Oh my gosh!!!! You were so right! The boys aren't coming upstairs during the day just yet... too nervous still. But Dennis ( oldest by seconds 8.8 lbs) and Mac ( 8.2) and Charlie (6.9 lbs) are getting bolder by the day, or night i should say. They come up at night and explore, there have been a few nights we were up at 2 -2:30 due to someone.. ahem.... knocking over a mirror, or chattering to each other from upstairs to down.. etc.. YOU WERE SO RIGHT!!! They are going to have a heck of a good time once comfortable in the house.. i wrote quite an extensive answer to Dr. Lyons on an update of them for sure being identical triplets due to same sac and same placenta. I am on good terms with their foster dad, so i can ask lots of questions if need be. I showed my husband you're first email to me, and he laughed at the emoticons etc.. and then a serious look came over his face.... omg he says to me... SHE'S RIGHT!!!!  Dont you just love hearing "you're right" ???

Pics to come soon...

xo tina


Staff Member
Dec 4, 2013
Hi tinagirl,

I'm glad the boys are settling in. :banana1: I'm sure in a couple of weeks they will be stampeding around like they have lived there all their lives. :clap:

One idea to help them settle is to put a radio on low for them. :boohoo: The music seems to sooth cats and it also helps drown out the other noises like hoover, dishwasher and noises outside. :banana2:

I glad I was able to help with identical triplets :kitty2: :kitty2: :kitty2: it's not just been able to help that I like, its finding out all theses new amazing things. :thud:

Please keep us updated with how your boys are getting on and any funny thing they get up to :rub:
Also pictures soon as you can :pix:

Got to go I've got 9 hungry faces staring at me right now - demanding food lol :dash:
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 27, 2014
london, ontario canada
AWWWW .. shes a real beauty!! She looks allot like my boys, cousins maybe? lol... only 6 months old... oh boy ... I got 18 months on you!!!!  Mine have the same white star on thier chest too, as well as the black whisker, lips, nose... i thought they would be pink noses... but i swear... they could be cousins or brothers and sister... i really want to get pictures of them...all together.. that ought to be some feat.. but when i do... i'll let you know.

Thanks for posting the pic of you're pretty girl..and I guess you go to work wearing unmatched socks no doubt???? ha ha ha ha ha..

xo Tina
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 27, 2014
london, ontario canada
Awwww.. gemsgem not only are you a supercat.. you are a superhuman. 9 faces waiting for brekkie? That's so nice to hear. Yeah, if you read my reply to Dr. Lyons, you'll see that you were right all along. Don't you just love that?! Thank you again for looking into it for me.  I'd like to hear more about your 9 babies ( no matter what age, they are all babies to me) I would love to see pics, or any stories you have. No doubt you have tons. You can p.m. me if you want. I love you're emoticons, mine don't work on this computer for some reason. I can get one on there, then i have to go back a page so the first page unfreezes. Anyway If you read my answer to Dr. Lyons ( who confirmed your answer) I told a little bit about the boys personalities and me getting a well deserved sock in the eye last night!

i thank you for the advice in the laundry room, but got to get Dennis out of laundry tub before I do the laundry..its his favorite place to sleep.....geesh...Yes, I will keep you posted and will put pictures up as soon as they pose for me..... xo for now, have a good one, Tina


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
AWWWW .. shes a real beauty!! She looks allot like my boys, cousins maybe? lol... only 6 months old... oh boy ... I got 18 months on you!!!!  Mine have the same white star on thier chest too, as well as the black whisker, lips, nose... i thought they would be pink noses... but i swear... they could be cousins or brothers and sister... i really want to get pictures of them...all together.. that ought to be some feat.. but when i do... i'll let you know.

Thanks for posting the pic of you're pretty girl..and I guess you go to work wearing unmatched socks no doubt???? ha ha ha ha ha..

xo Tina
i sure do! my unmatched socks aren't an issue until i'm at the gym locker room changing shoes...thats when its visible. lol

Thank you for the nice things you've said about Jet. I'm super excited to see your boys. When you described the way they looked, i was certain that they would look just like Jet :)

When you are able to get a pic I would LOVE to see your boys. no doubt they are ALL Handsome :)
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 27, 2014
london, ontario canada
Hi all... its tinagirl here and just wanted to update on the 3 boys we adopted 2 weeks ago. They are starting to settle in, and still love the basement recreation room more than upstairs. Upstairs is allot brighter and noisier than the basement so i understand why they only really come upstairs during the evening. Now that we have opened up more rooms to them..not all room as we are afraid that they will hide all the time from us, so its a little by little process. Right now they pretty much have the whole house to themselves. The tiniest of them is Charlie and he is a bravest and funniest. The two bigger ones aren't quite as daring and prefer to come upstairs at night. They all love belly rubs and scatchies etc.. but suddenly will take off under a chair or something, so its something that they will get over gradually I'm sure. Charlie is the ham, and is most daring and friendliest..Its really cool to hear all three of them 'chatter' to each other at night.. from upstairs to downstairs or from room to room. Last night for the first time, the three of them checked out the bed while we were sleeping, so lots of tip toeing around, little purts to each other...and falling off of the bed, or knocking stuff over, little crashes etc. Then they take off sometimes chasing each other from the hallway upstairs down to the basement rec room and boy do those toenails grip well!! You can hear them tearing around, taking a corner really fast and they are having a ball.. don't need us really . They still don't like to be picked up as i am sure it reminds them of the vet or trips to the pet supply stores to see if they could be adopted out. So that will come later. Meanwhile its bum pats, scratchies, lots of petting and occasionally Charlie will sit between us on the couch. I haven't gotten a picture of them all together yet,  but as soon as i do, i will post it. Just want to mention that Lamiatron's girl could be sister to my boys.. she looks so much like charlie!!! And to GemsGem you are so right.. lots of banging and crashing and tearing around... they are really getting used to the place. The first time they knocked over a huge mirror, no one hurt thank god, but its like 5ft x4ft size, omg and a few plants got knocked over, so they are doing exactly what you said, investigating and having the time of their lives.. at night so we don't know who did it.....I think thats their idea....xo for now and pics one of these days... and updates too...


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
OMG I have a Charlie too!! hahahahah look at that! He's a tabby tho, but he's like your Charlie. He's super friendly and SUPER confident. Lately he's been going through puberty i think (he's 8 months old) and he hates everyone, but he's still my sweet heart. its crazy. My Jet looks like your Charlie, and my Charlie behaves like your Charlie! we're like cat twins or something.

This is Charlie and Jet sleeping next to my head in the morning. I never get any pillow space anymore. lol

That's Charlie trying to "help" while I work out. Jet is off to the left corner. Just observing.

Jet being the queen of my room mates bed.

Jet and Charlie chilling on my room mates bed. Charlie giving  me his stink face like "stop it with the pics mom!"

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  • #29


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 27, 2014
london, ontario canada
OMG!!!! they are SOOOOO cute!!!! They cuddle together like my Terrance and Phillip did (r.i.p) But yeah, charlie looks just like Jet, probably the same size (hes the runt 6 lb 10oz) but is super confident... and just into everything. These three are going to be 3 years old this May. I think you have lots of time that Jet is going to be tearing around the place, and ruling just about everything.... Queen of the Manor.... I love Charlie the tabby too. He is definately giving you the 'stink eye' regarding pictures lol. You are so lucky with how much they love each other... love the pictures too.. can't get pictures of mine yet.. too nervous. My husband tried to get a picture of Dennis, but when he saw the camera he hid in the tub. So don't want to traumatize just yet. But when i get pictures, i sure will...

xo and kindest e gards for now



TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
OMG!!!! they are SOOOOO cute!!!! They cuddle together like my Terrance and Phillip did (r.i.p) But yeah, charlie looks just like Jet, probably the same size (hes the runt 6 lb 10oz) but is super confident... and just into everything. These three are going to be 3 years old this May. I think you have lots of time that Jet is going to be tearing around the place, and ruling just about everything.... Queen of the Manor.... I love Charlie the tabby too. He is definately giving you the 'stink eye' regarding pictures lol. You are so lucky with how much they love each other... love the pictures too.. can't get pictures of mine yet.. too nervous. My husband tried to get a picture of Dennis, but when he saw the camera he hid in the tub. So don't want to traumatize just yet. But when i get pictures, i sure will...

xo and kindest e gards for now

They definitely do love each other. They are like brother and sister now. They don't like to cuddle in front of me, or at least when i'm awake. They always try to cuddle secretly! haha. 

I'm sure your boys will come together soon enough and let you get a good pic of them! they sound like they're acclimating well. it might take them some more time, as all 3 of them are older. I'm glad your Charlie has taken the reigns and already feels comfortable with his new home :)

Jet is my skittish kitty, and even though I've had her for 4 months, she still exhibits skittish behavior around other members of my house. and even with me sometimes. cats are just such amazing creatures. Thank you for giving your 3 boys a loving and caring home :) 

look forward to some pics of your 3 handsome angels!
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  • #31


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 27, 2014
london, ontario canada
They definitely do love each other. They are like brother and sister now. They don't like to cuddle in front of me, or at least when i'm awake. They always try to cuddle secretly! haha. 

I'm sure your boys will come together soon enough and let you get a good pic of them! they sound like they're acclimating well. it might take them some more time, as all 3 of them are older. I'm glad your Charlie has taken the reigns and already feels comfortable with his new home :)

Jet is my skittish kitty, and even though I've had her for 4 months, she still exhibits skittish behavior around other members of my house. and even with me sometimes. cats are just such amazing creatures. Thank you for giving your 3 boys a loving and caring home :) 

look forward to some pics of your 3 handsome angels!
Hi again... thats so nice that you're kitties are like brother and sister. If you have had them together for this short time, and they are like that with each other. then they will be best friends for life. Thats what Terrance and Phillip were like... we got them at 3 years old, from someone who did'nt want them anymore and was willing to split them up. (jerk) They were just like you're kitties, always together, cleaning each other and were best friends with each other for the 15 years we had them. I love the kitty beds you have under your bed.. that gives them security and they know that is their place to feel safe.. and under your bed, i guess it would defiantely make them feel safe with you.. so nice. Can't wait until my boys are like that.... chat with you soon, xo tina
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  • #33


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Young Cat
Feb 27, 2014
london, ontario canada
Hi calico mama.

I don't know how i missed your question 2 weeks ago? I apologize, as i guess i was looking for a reply from the vet online regarding whether these guys were in fact identical triplets. I guess a dna test would prove it, and i was told even if they are identical, they won't necessarily look alike... they are growing into our home, slowly but surely. They were fostered for 2 years by a wonderful man, and its allot of new things for them. Today was the first day we could get a photo of all 3 together..( sneaky we used a laser pointer). Their purrsonalities are coming out more and more each day.. but are still frightened by new people and noises. So we are integrating them slowly. I think they are wonderful additions to our home and can't wait for more pictures of them.

Thank you for asking, and take care of you're calico kitty.....

chat soon,

xo tina
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  • #34


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 27, 2014
london, ontario canada
oops, so sorry calico mama... i did reply to you earlier, and totally missed that... geez.. these guys are keeping us up at night... chattering to each other, knocking all kinds of stuff over while discovering, stepping on our hair, heads, eyeballs during the night...needless to say... we need more sleep!!! Sorry about the mix up, and send out some pics of calico kitty... talk soon,

xo tina


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
KITTY TRIPLETS  !!!!   MY 3 BOYS!! finally a picture of Mac (l) charlie(mid) Dennis (right)
They're all so handsome! they look like they're having a great time and have acclimated well to their new home! i wish Jet could join them and they could all have a play date hahahah

if only that's how it worked with kitties 

Thanks for sharing a picture of your 3 lovely boys :)
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  • #36


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 27, 2014
london, ontario canada
Hi Lamiatron!!!

Thanks so much for replying so soon! Yup, Jet could be their sister. She has the cutest face.... she looks like charlie and mac.. dennis has a more rounded face. They are coming around a bit more. We get them up and get them to play with us so they are getting used to us.. at night they like to come out and investigate and knock stuff over etc. During the night, they step on our faces, head, eyeballs etc.. and chatter to each other... so not lots of sleep right now,  but wouldn't trade it for the world. I am so so so glad we took them!!! There is no way that i could see them being separated. I guess thats why the guy that fostered them from Cat Rescue in town here, kept them for two years! He is a really great guy, and has other cats. This rescue is all fosters, so they did try to get them homes, but no one wanted 3 i guess.. doesn't matter... I GOT THEM!!!!!!!
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  • #38


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 27, 2014
london, ontario canada
hiya catmomma Congrats to adopting luna! she is a real beauty.. .what an awesome thing to do since you already had one kitty. Zoey really looks pretty too, can't see her face, but am sure she is as sweet as Zoey.. thanks for posting and if anything else.. let me know.. they are lucky lucky kitties... all the best.. xo tina


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 6, 2012
l'm just seeing this now  -  aren't they beautiful!!! You are going to have such fun with these boys. They're gorgeous, l'll enjoy reading about them as they grow.
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  • #40


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 27, 2014
london, ontario canada
hiya andrya;

Thanks for the compliments. They are certainly coming into thier own now. They don't hide as much and definately play alot more, with each other and toys.. the toys seemed to be new to them. but charlie ( the runt) is hilarious!! He jumps and leaps and does all kinds of crazy stuff with his toys.. the other two play as well, but not as much as charlie. they all chatter to each other, its funny as one will be in the basement and the others will be somewhere else.. and they all talk to each other... usually ending up in the same place. They've knocked over quite a bit of stuff, nothing broken yet.... and still like to get you up by stepping on your face, eyeballs, even curl up with thier bums in your face.. that gets you up but quick!!!

I'll keep y'all posted.. kindest regards, tina