How to get started in rescuing (when there's a need but no infrastructure)?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 20, 2023
Scotland, UK
I hope this is the right place to be posting this.

Since adopting a former stray and then becoming a member of this forum, I've become highly aware of the stray cat situation worldwide. To my knowledge, there aren't any feral colonies or anything within the immediate vicinity of our house, but I know from what I've seen on social media that abandoned and feral cats are a big problem in the more general area where I live. I really want to be able to do something about this, but I've got a lot standing in my way:

1. I'm allergic to some cats, and to large concentrations of cats in a confined indoor space, so I can't do shelter work (TNR might be a possibility).
2. The house has some major works scheduled for this year, so I can't foster kittens - at least not for the foreseeable.
3. Being neurodivergent can make it tricky for me to deal with members of the public alone, without support. I also have an accent that some people in my area discriminate against and refuse to engage with.
4. I can't drive and don't know when, if ever, it will be possible for me to learn, due to all the driving instructors in the area having enormous waiting lists and most of them not being friendly to neurodivergent pupils. So I have to rely on public transport or my parents.
5. I'm currently unemployed, job-seeking, and surviving on welfare and my parents' generosity in letting me live with them rent-free. I also have a history of mental ill-health. All of which means I'm the opposite of the ideal person to take the problem on alone, or head an organisation.

So I've been trying to look into what I can do for existing organisations, like admin, adoption coordination, or TNR support. I can do fundraising obviously, but I really want to do some more hands-on stuff as well. I tried reaching out to the small-scale rescue organisations in my area. Unfortunately, I've not had much success.

Organisation 1, the only one in my immediate area: The person I spoke to said that they'd heard through the grapevine that the person in charge was looking to wind it down (if this is true, my immediate area would not be covered at all). Then they said, "But hey, you're young looking. Why don't you take over the shelter? What do you mean you're allergic? It's in a barn. You'll be fine." She gave me the number of the person in charge and I left a message for them, so I'm waiting on that, but I have my reservations after that weird conversation.

Organisation 2: They told me they're too small to take many volunteers and only handle owner surrenders, because every shelter is saturated and they can only do so much.

Organisations 3 and 4: I haven't reached out to them yet, but they're both on the other side of the county, about an hour's drive from me, and mainly working in areas that I'm unfamiliar with and include some really rough neighbourhoods. I'm not expecting glamorous work here, but I'm not sure how comfortable I'd feel in places like that given all the things that make me vulnerable to discrimination or worse.

Organisation 5: Not one person I've spoken to has a good word to say about the way it treats people or animals.

I know this is a long post and I hope not too negative, or coming across as just venting - honestly, I'm just trying to illustrate the situation. I was just wondering if anyone might have any suggestions on what I could do?


Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
Perhaps you can try to do more non-connected work - so not related to one rescue in particular. What if, aside from fund raising, you tried to be a sort of resource connector? So you said you're on social media a lot and know there's an issue. What about trying to help connect people to the right rescue that has the right resources? Maybe one rescue will do cheap neuters/spays. Maybe another takes in the adoptable/more tame cats. If you know what services they offer, you can perhaps help others connect to helpful resources. Just an idea!
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 20, 2023
Scotland, UK
I can't have made myself clear. I'm not on social media a great deal. I actually don't like using it more than necessary and don't post on places like Facebook myself. I was just looking at the rescues' social media to gauge the situation and see what opportunities there were. So sadly I don't think this is a runner either. But thanks for the suggestion.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2021
Is there a Petsmart near you that has a cat room? If so, the organizations that put their cats there may need help caring for the cats. (Feeding, cleaning compartments and litterboxes, playing with the cats, etc.) That's one of my volunteer jobs and I love it. It might be a way to get to know the organizations better...and allow you to find out about other volunteer opportunities with them.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 20, 2023
Scotland, UK
Progress has been made, but I'm not sure whether it's entirely positive. I reached out to one of the further away organisations, who phoned me back and asked a lot of questions, but then seemed to go very lukewarm when I explained how I was limited by my circumstances. They say they'll keep my details on file and let me know if they need a cat transporting from my area to their shelter - which of course I can't do until I get my licence! :frustrated: They also said they ONLY did adult cats, which I find puzzling, because when you've got unfixed cats getting dumped outside, you are GOING to get kittens.

I was quite frustrated so I went back to Organisation #1 (the nearest one to me). I got to speak to the person in charge, who was lovely, but the way they were living showed me how out of control things were in my area. This person's property IS the shelter. A lot of their garden is just pens for the adoptable cats, they take care of lots of 'unadoptables' with behavioural issues, they have a neutered colony of ferals living in their garden, fields, and outbuildings, they spend most of their money just trying to get enough food for them all, and because this person is getting older the house is not in a good state because they're using all their energy being on call 24/7. This is how little my area is covered. They told me cat welfare in this area is getting worse, not better, and unfixed cats just get dumped.

The shelter took my number because they'd had a call about a mama cat and kittens very near to me that I could potentially help with, but because their timetable's so full, they've got to call me ad hoc, which is making me anxious because I'm not good at dealing with short notice! I thought I'd managed the allergy issue because I didn't go into the indoor areas of the shelter, but when I was home I gradually started to notice the itching... eyes itching, hands itching, skin where I couldn't possibly have touched a cat itching...

For all I want to help, I just know I couldn't live the way this person is living. I have to be honest with myself and I know that, with my history of mental ill-health, I need that balance between causes I believe in and time to myself. And I'm worried I've offered too much to the shelter, now I know that the allergy is a problem even outdoors. Even if I was able to get rid of the allergy problem, I'm not cut out to be one of these superheroes who has cat pens in their garden and gives up every waking hour of their lives for strays and ferals. But having come forward, I'm going to feel really bad if I have to back out of it completely.

It's just so depressing that there's this complete lack of cover for my area, and nothing I can personally do. The more I find out about this problem, the more I want to be able to make a difference, but I also know that I'm REALLY not the person to lead that fight, at least from the frontlines. I just wish there was more connectivity and collaboration between people. The shelters do share resources, but they seem to disagree on the way things should be done. If only I could connect with more people who were concerned, we might be able to raise funds, get resources, and have a network of drivers and fosters so people didn't have to wear themselves down carrying it all on their shoulders, and the cats, some of whom are surrendered pets, didn't have to spend time in pens.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees this situation on my doorstep, and I don't really expect a solution here. I guess I just needed to vent.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2021
I'm sorry you haven't found a way to help in your area. That must be frustrating and disappointing. Why don't you keep in touch with the people who seemed most interested... just occasionally, to remind them that you're still available.

Most rescue organizations desperately need money, so give some thought to how you could help with fundraising. Do you enjoy preparing food? If so, maybe you could provide these rescue organizations with something to sell.... brownies, trail mixes, jams, salsa, etc. (KittyCat's Strawberry Preserves! :) ) Local businesses with cat-loving owners might be willing to provide space and handle the sales.

You could also try contacting animal welfare organizations that are further away and ask if there's something you can do remotely.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 20, 2023
Scotland, UK
Absolutely I plan on fundraising. Summer is coming and I'm thinking of doing a baking sale. But we're getting our oven replaced this year, so I'm waiting for the new one to go in. That should be done by July. I'm hoping I can eventually do some general awareness raising too.

I'm also planning to go to an open day one of the local shelters is having. I'll be testing out some new non-drowsy antihistamines I got, and trying to do some networking for both volunteering and potential employment, as the possibility of my going into a related line of work has opened up.

We're also getting into what the work on the house is going to involve. After a new doorway being bashed through a wall, it'll all be less intensive prep for taking on a lodger, and before then, I'll have access to a spare bathroom for a few months, where I could POTENTIALLY foster weaned kittens. After that, I'll have access to a spare bedroom, although that will also have my craft storage in it, so it might not be an ideal kitten space...
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 20, 2023
Scotland, UK
Bad news all round. There are going to be wall to wall workmen around the spare bathroom, so fostering's off the cards probably all this kitten season.

My parents forgot what day the open day was and went out in the car to do some shopping and didn't come back till it was too late to drive me there. I was really upset and a bit mad at them. They apologised so no hard feelings, but I'm checking for other events and nothing.

I reached out to another shelter who asked me why I was bothering because everyone just sold unwanted pets online.

I left a message on Organisation #1's phone. There's an unfolding situation on my doorstep they told me about that I can't stop from playing on my mind. They know about it and don't have the time/people to do anything, but they also don't have the time to tell ME what I can do about it.

I'm really depressed about it all.