How to Keep Cats inside


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2023
In last three months, three cats we had died. After the last one got hit by a car, my mother briefly started locking them and then letting them stay inside for the night. Gave up super quickly on that though. However, today we noticed two of them like to roam on the other side of our street. Our village isnt too car-ridden but two of the cats we had died by car. Others keep to the fields side of things which is further away from the road but there is a lot of dogs who can easily get out of their owner's space and almost everyone puts out rodent poison.
I cant do this anymore. I already have almost impossible time connecting to them because in my brain they all will die in two weeks or less. Anytime they want to cuddle I just think of them as a corpse. However, even if most people in house grumpily accept they are inside my grandma and dad dont care and leave them out whenever. My mom does too. She spends real expensive money giving them vaccines and caring for them but she still leaves them out to their death.
Some are happily inside 24/7 (our eldest acquisition). However, most of our cats are year and below kittens which spent most of their life outside. They keep begging to go out after some time sleeping inside. There is also one older tomcat who we semi adopted who is also neutered and mellowed down super uickly who wants to spend his time inside but cant because he sprays and pisses all over.

What are some strategies to keeping cats inside? Is there any way to make Kvako (the older tom), not want to spay everywhere? (unfortunately its something he learned to do before he was coming here... ) I am willing to try everything within my power that these cats have healthy happy life, but maybe it is a bit selfish of me. Because every cat that died took something from me and I dont think I have lot more to give.

Things that were already done:
neutering. all of our toms were neutered two or three weeks ago. the cats were spayed long before that.

Things I CAN NOT do.
catio. people in this house barely tolerate cats inside and changing anything about house or outside for them would not be tolerated.
giving them away. we had way more kittens and these are the ones who were LEFT OVER and which we couldnt find homes for. shelters are full and refuse to take new cats.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
How many cats do you have?

Now hear me out on this - You might want to consider talking to your house mates again about a catio - it doesn't have to cause a change to the structure of the house. It would require yard space though. But, it would be much less of an issue to your house mates compared to what it can take to get some cats adapted to a 24/7 indoor lifestyle. They need to realize this, as it might increase their willingness to tolerate a catio. It would prevent some of your family being able to just let them out the door of the house to go roaming again. As long as that happens, you cannot possibly be successful in getting them to adapt to an indoor life.

There are catios/cat enclosures which can be built fairly inexpensively that aren't even connected to the house. Others can be connected through a window for when you might want to let some of them inside, but even that could a be second phase addition, if and when it is decided it would be appropriate. Any handyman who has some building background could help build one at a reasonable price. Aside from the article links below, you'd be amazed what you can find on the internet for building such a structure.

If this were to be accomplished, it might help in working with Kvako to see if he will stop spraying. Part of his issue is likely having to deal with a number of other cats around, so the less inside with him, the better he might become. Another part of his issue might related to getting him used to using a litter box. Again, the less cat around the better.

Cat Enclosures - Freedom Without The Risks For Curious Cats - TheCatSite
Building A Cat Enclosure - A Creative Project for Cat Lovers - TheCatSite
The 5 Golden Rules To Bringing An Outdoor Cat Inside - TheCatSite
How to Litter Box Train an Older Cat: 5 Expert Tips | Hepper
How to Litter Train an Older Cat: 8 Vet-Approved Steps - Catster
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2023
How many cats do you have?

Now hear me out on this - You might want to consider talking to your house mates again about a catio - it doesn't have to cause a change to the structure of the house. It would require yard space though. But, it would be much less of an issue to your house mates compared to what it can take to get some cats adapted to a 24/7 indoor lifestyle. They need to realize this, as it might increase their willingness to tolerate a catio. It would prevent some of your family being able to just let them out the door of the house to go roaming again. As long as that happens, you cannot possibly be successful in getting them to adapt to an indoor life.

There are catios/cat enclosures which can be built fairly inexpensively that aren't even connected to the house. Others can be connected through a window for when you might want to let some of them inside, but even that could a be second phase addition, if and when it is decided it would be appropriate. Any handyman who has some building background could help build one at a reasonable price. Aside from the article links below, you'd be amazed what you can find on the internet for building such a structure.

If this were to be accomplished, it might help in working with Kvako to see if he will stop spraying. Part of his issue is likely having to deal with a number of other cats around, so the less inside with him, the better he might become. Another part of his issue might related to getting him used to using a litter box. Again, the less cat around the better.

Cat Enclosures - Freedom Without The Risks For Curious Cats - TheCatSite
Building A Cat Enclosure - A Creative Project for Cat Lovers - TheCatSite
The 5 Golden Rules To Bringing An Outdoor Cat Inside - TheCatSite
How to Litter Box Train an Older Cat: 5 Expert Tips | Hepper
How to Litter Train an Older Cat: 8 Vet-Approved Steps - Catster
Thank you for the answer. We have seven. (With Kvako).
How much yard space would be needed? a lot of it is taken up by my grandmas flowers, and garden but there used to be a pool there. however, we dont have resources to remove it rn... i dunno could be worth it to talk about this. I am honestly willing to do it myself on my own when i have money for materials just so i can sleep peacefully.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I've seen it recommended to have about 20 sq.ft for each cat, but that is just one recommendation, which would mean about 140 sq ft on the ground, if you count Kvacko. And, if you could swing that amount of space the options are endless in terms of building some shelving inside for climbing and 'look out' spaces. I think that recommendation included making it at least 8 ft high (for shelving tiers inside). An added smaller segment could be made to house litter boxes or an area for them to pee/poop away from the main space. The options and ideas are limitless!! It just takes some desire/interest/planning.

Take some time and search the internet for varying options/layouts, just so you can see how much (or little) you can do.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2023
I've seen it recommended to have about 20 sq.ft for each cat, but that is just one recommendation, which would mean about 140 sq ft on the ground, if you count Kvacko. And, if you could swing that amount of space the options are endless in terms of building some shelving inside for climbing and 'look out' spaces. I think that recommendation included making it at least 8 ft high (for shelving tiers inside). An added smaller segment could be made to house litter boxes or an area for them to pee/poop away from the main space. The options and ideas are limitless!! It just takes some desire/interest/planning.

Take some time and search the internet for varying options/layouts, just so you can see how much (or little) you can do.
Thats a bit more than we can afford and it cant be connected. Mom just stared at me incredulously when I talked to her about it....but I am not sure. Will try and consolidate some plans


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
As I understand it, once they start to spray its too late to fix it by neutering them. You have to neuter them earlier. So that sucks and if a catio doesn't work, I'm not sure what to tell you as to that cat. I think I read that stud diapers are a thing but . . .

For a cat without that problem, you keep them inside by keeping them inside. Eventually, they get over it and stop whining. Mostly.


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
Lots of enrichment really! Catification videos on YouTube will be your best friend, as well as DIY cat toys and puzzles.

If someone is letting them out though, it will be hard to convince them that they can't go anymore.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
A Aurel : First off, condolences on the losses of those 3 cats. :alright: Such a horrible thing to happen to them and for you to have to experience. I hope you will be able to convince your family that keeping the cats safe is worth a little bit of inconvenience, and that you'll be able to afford to set something up to keep the current cats happy and safe.

As the tomcats were only neutered 2 or 3 weeks ago, it's possible they still have some hormones in their system and once they are gone they won't have the same urge to go outside and roam. Was Kvako also recently neutered? If so, he *may* stop spraying, once the hormones are totally gone, however, if nothing else, his pee will soon stop having that stinky tomcat odor. How does he get along with the other cats? Spraying can be a territorial thing.

TCS has articles that might have some tips for you to keep the cats happy and entertained inside. Here are the links:

How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats) - TheCatSite
Bored Cat? What Cat Owners Need To Know (Including 10 Actionable Tips) - TheCatSite

Also this one on The Multi-Cat Household [An Owner's Manual for Healthy, Happy Cats] - TheCatSite
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2023
I had to fish out škvrna from the tree across the street again. He very much hated it and avoids me now. Because I keep bringing him inside. I am at loss. I dont know what to do.
Mom just keeps asking me if id want to have happy or unhappy cat. My only reply was alive one. He keeps sitting at the door beging to be let out. This eveninng he played nicely but i am dreading tommorow
A Aurel : First off, condolences on the losses of those 3 cats. :alright: Such a horrible thing to happen to them and for you to have to experience. I hope you will be able to convince your family that keeping the cats safe is worth a little bit of inconvenience, and that you'll be able to afford to set something up to keep the current cats happy and safe.

As the tomcats were only neutered 2 or 3 weeks ago, it's possible they still have some hormones in their system and once they are gone they won't have the same urge to go outside and roam. Was Kvako also recently neutered? If so, he *may* stop spraying, once the hormones are totally gone, however, if nothing else, his pee will soon stop having that stinky tomcat odor. How does he get along with the other cats? Spraying can be a territorial thing.

TCS has articles that might have some tips for you to keep the cats happy and entertained inside. Here are the links:

How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats) - TheCatSite
Bored Cat? What Cat Owners Need To Know (Including 10 Actionable Tips) - TheCatSite

Also this one on The Multi-Cat Household [An Owner's Manual for Healthy, Happy Cats] - TheCatSite
Yea i think its still homrones. or he just likes the tree.... its a medium height coniferous thing where he feels safe and with tons of branches he can climb.

Kvako was very much with the first kitten 3 weeks ago. He already mellowed out dramatically and stopped wandering at all which is a miracle.

I am gonna keep him inside as much as I can. Brother who studies and almost lives abroad said hell pitch in for a larger cat tree for them. And we play with them through the day and most at evening before sleep. Thank you for the links I will do my best to do it.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 25, 2024
Maybe you can plant a small tree inside. Or get a fake tree for him. There is this on AliExpress for
Screenshot 2024-03-29 1.55.43 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-03-29 1.55.43 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-03-29 1.55.43 PM.png


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
I always advise not to chase them when they are outside, because it trains them to evade you and any cat can break your ankles with fancy moves. That maybe applies to them being in a tree, although tbh that is a new one to me. What I do is I go outside and shake the treat box. Or I just sit and act like nothing special is happening. When they come around, I pet them, and only a few minutes later I bring them inside.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2023
Update: Today was hellish. Lots of going out and I am starting to feel they dont want to be inside at all. Me and my mom had an argument about it - she thinks its "fine" and better than them hating us. Me I am in anxious shambles lol.

I fundamentally am the worst type of person to have a cat. I need to know and control everything my pet - fishes and small animals would be ideal. I have several anxiety problems. Unfortunately, I am the best they got.

I am going to try and plead with my parents from at least "if you dont think about them think about me at least". In the meantime I am waiting from the train company to refund my tickets - that should give me enough to buy them some more aliexpress toys. I managed to play with škvrna and give him but of catmint and that distracted him - unfortuntaly I had to be called away after 10 minutes and when I came inside mom has already given in and let him out.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Maybe you could get a can of spray paint, and mark off on the ground how big a catio would be if you built one, and they might think the size would be alright? If not spray paint, maybe tape that could be easily removed?
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2023
I will see.

Today was hell again. three started to wander the street. when i bought in one inside she was extremely mad at me. when i tried to pet her sne snapped at me and nipped me. most of them are starting to avoid me. i am systematically destroying all of my relationships wwith these cats, simply because i am the only person in this house who gives a crap about them them. sometimes i wish we kept neither of them, that none of them showed up. they made my life so much better but now after all this death and now them genuinely despising me i dont know what to do. of course i seem like the worse cat parent between me and my cool mom who lets them outside.

i will still purchase spay and the tree but i am slowly becoming apathetic. this has been hell on my already bad mental health. i dont understand, i dont understand how someone like my mom who posits she cares about animals deeply just does something like this. i understand dad and his awful ass parents are the way they are but. is she not even going to try? why am i the only one trying to get genuine advice and help other than just vague way it should be done based on vibes? how dare she cry about how she felt like she died with our cat when she found him dead when she enabled it to happen. when she keeps enabling it to happen. I appreciate all the help and I will try to do what is realistic but god this has been so draining.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Some people just have a different perspective on what they think is a good cat life. I think your mother feels that for them to be happy, they should be able to roam, and while it is so very sad if one of them dies and it hurts her, I would imagine that she thinks they had a better, albeit shorter, life by being allowed to be free.

Rather than trying to change her perspective, find other tactics to appeal to her for the catio. About how they can have an outdoor life but remain safer and easier to monitor for issues that can arise. Focus more on the benefits to the cats than telling her she is wrong.

I don't think the cats despise you, they are just used to being outdoors and know you want them inside. That doesn't mean they hate you, it just means they know your mother doesn't care if they are inside or not, and of course being outdoors is what appeals to them most at this time.