Need Some Hope from Others


Cat mom, cat foster mom
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Mar 6, 2023
Hi All,

I have 2 kittens - about 8 months old (boy) and 10 months old (girl). My girl kitten is very mellow, laid-back, and calm. She plays some but if she does it's usually more hunt/stalk than tearing around. My boy kitten is a Siamese mix and very energetic. He gets his zoomies and when he plays it's usually wild and all-out. Boy kitten tries to engage girl kitten in some play and she shows no signs of wanting to engage. So sometimes in his wild moments, he will just jump on her and be way too rough in his biting and such. Even though he's younger, he's heavy and all muscle. Our girl is more petite and since she's more lazy she's not as strong as he is. We know he's showing his dominance because sometimes he'll jump on her when she's just sitting still or even sleeping. We are trying to nip this in the bud. When we see him staring at her, we try to redirect him. He will often let her be when we remind him (he has poor impulses!). When he's really wild or attacking her, we put him in another room by himself to gather himself. After even 5 min or so we let him out and he's usually better and does his own thing. Sometimes I think he's be dominant and other times I think he's just trying to get her to play with him. Sometimes he'll wait until night time because mom and dad aren't around to interfere. I have been reading ALL the articles on this behavior and even threads here and know I'm not alone in this. I worry that it might not get better or that it could even get worse. But I was hoping to hear from people who have been through this and that it can get better! Just need some hope that this isn't our life forever. I totally get that they may never be besties but I just hope he'll give up on the attacks since it's not nice. I also feel a bit bad for our girl and hope she isn't too stressed.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 20, 2020
Since I’m not there to see your cats, I can’t be entirely sure of your situation, but it might be helpful for you to hear about other similar situations.

Two of my cats have this type of dynamic. They are brother and sister, almost 3 years old now. He is about 4 pounds heavier than her, very strong. He loves to chase and wrestle. She prefers hunting and stalking toys. As you can imagine, he occasionally decides he wants to chase her, jump on her, bite her neck, wrestle. Often fur will fly.

Every once in a while, she is into it, but the vast majority of the time she will run from him, hiss, growl, howl and generally make a huge fuss. When I say huge fuss, she sounds like he is killing her.

I was very concerned about it when they were younger, but as I’ve observed them and learned more about cats, I’m no longer overly concerned. First, cats playing can look quite intense to us humans. Second, it’s important to observe the cats between these behaviors. Is she hiding from him? Do they sleep together, groom each other? Does she seem comfortable to just hang out near him during downtime? If so, she is not afraid of him and doesn’t consider herself to be bullied. Observe the wrestling. Often they will take turns being dominant. One cat will be on the floor on their back and the other above them. Later they’ll switch positions. I observed that my girl only likes the dominant position. When her brother is in the dominant position, she hates it and makes a huge fuss.
Also, as they’ve gotten older and calmed down, these incidents are less frequent. And as she got older and bigger, she became more able to handle herself, whether that’s running away or whacking him in the head.

I used to check her neck for scabs or blood from his bites, but I’ve never seen anything. I have felt him from time to time when he is playful, bite my hand or wrist and hold it, and it is totally gentle. He is not breaking skin at all.

As far as it being about dominance, I don’t really think it is. I think he just loves this type of play. If anything, her and her mother are more the bosses of the house, and this big bumbling boy is just really annoying to them.
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Cat mom, cat foster mom
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Mar 6, 2023
Thanks for the reply! Our past cat pairing would do the wrestling but it was definitely equal. In that situation sometimes our girl cat could go up and smack our boy cat but the she would snarl and hiss like she was the victim. :lol: But with this case, I don't think it is equal. He's always the one on top and I don't think he's that gentle. Or at least he doesn't know how pointy his teeth are and that he's going to hard. They DO sometimes sleep next to each other but sometimes he'll just try to get her to move and take her spot. But it's not always tense - they can walk by one another with no hissing or anything. I do feel like he is definitely the annoying brother who likes to roughhouse and she's just above that nonsense.


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
Are they both neutered/spayed?

This sounds like normal play to me. But give some videos on it a watch. You'll learn your cats' body language to know more.
