Should I turn a friend in to Animal Control?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 1, 2005
Good Morning! I just read this thread from start to finish. And I know where you are coming from, and I am sure you could turn her in anonomously, but she would probably know it was you, anyways, because you are the only one who knows what she really did. But the thing to think about here, is what if it were her children? Would you turn her in to social services? I bet you would. Those animals cant speak for themselves, and they cant defend themselves either. Out there with no food, and no guarantee that someone would take them..especially nowadays when there are people that intentionally injure and kill cats and even dogs. And for a little cat to be out there with no shelter, and no protection, just makes me sad. I understand shes your friend, but its wrong. Maybe you could tell her that its wrong, and it disturbs you that she is so careless with another's life. It doesnt matter what it is: cat, dog, snake, ferret, her children, they have feelings too. And all a cat wants to do is love you. You know that. And if she ends the friendship over your opinions, then shes really not your friend anyways. And shes a hypocrite if she works at a shelther and then does that mess with just throwing them out.
I know its a hard situation but in the end, you will make the right decision for you, if you havent already. You already called animal control, so I think that you already made your decision. Stick with it, and dont second guess yourself. You're a good person for what you are doing. Not to mention that shes probably teaching her children to be callous and cruel to animals.
Good luck and keep us posted!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 21, 2004
Up to my eyeballs in Thomas the Tank Engine undies
Originally Posted by diane8704

Good Morning! I just read this thread from start to finish. And I know where you are coming from, and I am sure you could turn her in anonomously, but she would probably know it was you, anyways, because you are the only one who knows what she really did. But the thing to think about here, is what if it were her children? Would you turn her in to social services? I bet you would. Those animals cant speak for themselves, and they cant defend themselves either. Out there with no food, and no guarantee that someone would take them..especially nowadays when there are people that intentionally injure and kill cats and even dogs. And for a little cat to be out there with no shelter, and no protection, just makes me sad. I understand shes your friend, but its wrong. Maybe you could tell her that its wrong, and it disturbs you that she is so careless with another's life. It doesnt matter what it is: cat, dog, snake, ferret, her children, they have feelings too. And all a cat wants to do is love you. You know that. And if she ends the friendship over your opinions, then shes really not your friend anyways. And shes a hypocrite if she works at a shelther and then does that mess with just throwing them out.
I know its a hard situation but in the end, you will make the right decision for you, if you havent already. You already called animal control, so I think that you already made your decision. Stick with it, and dont second guess yourself. You're a good person for what you are doing. Not to mention that shes probably teaching her children to be callous and cruel to animals.
Good luck and keep us posted!
That was so well said. I am in total agreeance with you. I was just wondering though, if turned in to animal control, is there a way that they could ban her from ever adopting from a shelter again? Do they have some sort of system for that? I love the part about how a cat just wants to love you. It's so true! It breaks my heart to think of this poor cat wandering on its own, all alone and hungry.

esrgirl, I think you are doing the right thing by contacting animal control also. Just remember, that poor cat (or any other pet to enter that house) cannot speak up for or help itself. You're doing the right thing and you have a very big heart.

mark kumpf

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2004
On patrol or at my PC
And the ACO finally chimes in. Sorry for the delay. Your friend is every ACOs nightmare. Someone who professes to love animals but is actually a "fad" owner. If the animal isn't convenient it, like furniture and slightly outdated household appliances, is kicked to make way for newer, better, bigger and improved. This is not a person that you should waste your valuable time by keeping in your circle of friends. If and when she reaches the end of her days, there will be a small (and maybe even large) number of pets standing in the receiving line outside the gates who will vote thumbs down on access to the rainbow bridge. Tell her, tell the shelter, and report it to the ACOs. Granted they may will not be able to do squat but at least you will have made an honest attempt to do the right thing. She has to live with herself and you have to do the same.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 10, 2004
I called Animal Control and they couldn't do anything. I plan on finding out who she adopted the beagle from (lots of beagles in my posts!) and informing them of her contract break. I honestly hadn't thought of doing that before, but I think it's a great idea. It's amazing to me how I can know someone from the time I was 10 years old and not know just how bad she was with animals. Her family is just like this as well- as evidenced by the fact that the last cat was her mom's throw-away.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 25, 2005
Canadian Maritimes
You know the old saying about judging people or a society by how it treats its most vulnerable creatures. I think that is how you must cope with this. I know it is tough!! I would turn in my mother if she did this - it is heartbreaking to see anyone, esp someone who professes to love animals be so horrible!!

You will sleep better knowing you did the right thing! And future casualties of hers will also be blessed by your action.


TCS Member
Jun 23, 2005
YES report this. This person does not deserve to have animals. There are many people that would love and care properly for these animals. Your friend does not deserve to adopt any animal.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
You are being very courageous and I appreciate your dilemma. I hope that you can turn her in anonymously to an ACO that can at least speak to her (although your friend may figure out only you knew the situations about the cats). And if somehow you could teach your friend about having compassion for animals, or at least influence her children, then you will have created a permanent fix and definitely improved the lots of the cats & dogs in their futures! But if you cut out your friend now, she may never change. I pray that you be given wisdom & guidance and that you have a happy outcome. Thank you for speaking up!!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 26, 2005
Hi I am new to this forum, but please turn her in. I understand she is your friend but it is very clear that you are thinking about the welfare of these animals and that it bothers you. If you do something now you may help to stop your friends cycle.