SOS Feral Cat Dying

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Jan 31, 2024
This is only my second post here. I'm hoping this is the right thread. If it's not, please feel free to move ir. And I apologize in advance if this post is too long. I'll try my best to keep this to only relevant info:

I live with a roommate. This is a new situation, sort of. I've lived here as a tenant in the same bldg on on different floor, as a tenant with my husband. Martin was terminally ill and died Nov 2021. I've known my "landlord" (he was really more of a best friend than a landlord) for 25+ years but I've only lived here abt 8 years, again, with my terminally ill hubby, Martin. Martin's death necessitated certain changes in living arrangements that recently included my "landlord/best friend" and I becoming room mates i.e. we now live on the same floor, in the same apt and each have our own bedroom. We are not a couple and never have been.
"Frank" "landlord/best friend" took in a feral abt 7 years ago now. Her name is Maggie. She's abt 13 years old and she spent the first 6 years of her life outdoors. She walked into his house (before I ever lived here) one day and decided to stay. She's still mostly very feral because he hasn't tried to domesticate her, which I don't agree with, but I also see her as his cat, so I do my best not to interfere in his dealings with her. It's hard sometimes bc I used to foster and rescue animals and have recently gotten back into it alittle. Bc of my background rescuing/fostering, I have very definite ideas on how to care for a foster, even a feral. We don't agree, but if it's not hurting her and it's helping her, I stay out of it. (Just as a quick example: If I were Maggie's person, and she walked into my house, I would have started trying right away (s l o w l y) to domesticate her on some level. I know you can't domesticate all ferals and some not at all. But I feel it's an obligation to at least try. Why? For example - if you can get them used to being picked up, you can out them in a carrier and take them to the vet when needed. If you don't bother trying to teach them this behavior and they need the vet one day, there's going to be an issue just to even get the poor thing into a carrier. And, again, I do know that you cannot "teach" all ferals this kind of thing. I believe you should at least try.)

So, cutting to the chase here, Maggie cut her tongue pretty severely on something. No clue what, she's basically a feral house cat. I started noticing things that were worrying to me - her chin and mouth looked like they were turning black (she's white and grey) and she was dropping weight at a pretty quick clip. So, I said something.

I should mention at this point that Frank had a very serious car accident (in 2006) where he ended up in a coma and nearly died, so he has some medical concerns. He can walk, he can drive, but he's got some concerns. As do I, by the way, but mine is due to a dx.

Back to Maggie: I said something to Frank abt getting Maggie to the vet and he basically said that I could, but that he "won't be able to" administer any meds to her bc, well, #s 1 thru 1,000 he's sick and he "can't" and excuse #1001 - Maggie is a feral and he'd never be able to pill her, certainly not for several days in a row. He goes on to say that he's got dental stuff and he deals with the pain, so how bad can it be for Maggie. Back to the Excuses Sermon #1002 thru #1Million as to how he's sick and he can't. How do I even know she's suffering? She seems mostly ok to him? (((What?!?)))

Horrified. I was positively Horrified/Mortified/Livid. Not once did he say that he'd even just try. Not once.
Just All abt Him, Him, Him, Him and his "pain."
I have known this person for 25+ years. I never thought in a Million Years I would hear this Tripe out of his mouth.
Since I now live on the same floor as him, I felt this was basically making me an accomplice in his (non)treatment of this cat. Which made me Really Angry and Really Sad. So, I decided: I will take Maggie to the vet and take over all of her care. He no longer gets a say, since if it was solely up to him, she wouldn't even be going to the vet (he actually said that - bc "he can't, bc he's sick")

I took Maggie to the vet. Her tongue is almost cut in two and she has stomatitis. Doc gave her a dose of antibiotics in one shot that will last abt 2 weeks and sent us home with pain meds and an anti-inflammatory. I've been able to give her the pain med. I think this is only bc Maggie has figured out that it helps her pain. She mostly doesn't take the anti-inflammatory.

The Major problem is she is not eating. I have tried mousse consistency food, really stinky fish smelling foods, pureed baby food, broths. She is mostly not eating or drinking. I bought some high calorie liquid for cats that I syringe feed her but she only tolerates that a couple of times per day and it's not nearly enough. I feel like she's going to die from not eating alone, which the vet told me is possible from this type of injury alone. They debrided the wound but the vet said they need the antibiotics to take hold, before they can even do surgery. Then they would do the surgery, then it's at least another 2 weeks before she would be able to use her tongue, even a bit. But she's already not eating. Likely bc she's in ridiculous pain, ven with the pain meds that I'm dosing her with. I also had the vet do a full blood work up to see if there's anything else going on with her. I should know those results tomorrow. I've been thinking abt asking the vet to put her on a feeding tube, even if it's only for a day or two, But would that be cruel to Maggie? She's already suffering and I don't want to prolong her suffering, if that's what I'm doing. If this is "just" a rough patch of not eating and she'll be fine otherwise, then I want to do that. I just don't know what to do for Maggie.

As an aside, 25+ years of "knowing" Frank and this whole deal with Maggie has shown me a side of him that I wish I had never seen. I don't know this person. I feel like I'm living with a sociopath. Or at least a narcissist. And I don't know what to do abt that now either. I can hardly even look at him now. Truly. And really was someone I considered my best friend. He was an important person in my life too, since my Martin died. I'm at a complete loss.

If you have any ideas that I can try that I haven't mentioned to feed Maggie, please post? Any ideas/advice on the rest of this would also be appreciated. Sorry so long.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. What are the vets recommending right now in terms of her eating something? Since you have tried so many different foods, perhaps the pain meds she is getting aren't adequate enough and she needs bigger doses, or it given to her more often. When you say pureed baby food, are you talking about the baby food meats, like Gerber or Beechnut (or Goya)? If not, try those.

It sounds like your best bet is the feeding tube, and likely for much longer than a day. It would also be the way to get liquids/water into her - and, the anti-inflammatory meds as well as the pain meds. Feeding tubes sound daunting, but tons of folks on this site have administered food/water/meds to their cats this way. It usually is scary for the first couple of times, and then they settle in with a routine. There are loads of videos demonstrating what to do, and you could access those for as long as you need some guidance/direction.

As far as your 'friend', for now he is letting you help and that is what matters most at this point. There are many very nice people that just can't handle the situation when confronted with illness/trauma - it isn't that they really don't want to - they just can't. We all have our limits, and maybe this is his. After you can handle the whole matter with Maggie, sit down later and talk with him so the two of you can share your thoughts/feelings about everything.

Please keep us posted.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2024
I just got a call back from the vet. Maggie has hypo-thyroidism. But other than that, her blood work is clear/clean. I did ask the vet tech abt giving Maggie a feeding tube. I'm waiting for the call back on that now.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
HyPOthyroidism? That is relatively rare in cats and is usually the result of over treating hyperthyroidism or it is a congenital condition. The latter would mean it has been a lifelong thing. Ask the vet if there are any other causes, and why would it just appear now. I know you haven't tested Maggie over the years, but I would have thought something would have shown uo before now.

Let us know about the feeding tube and how Maggie is doing.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2024
Yup, Maggie has hyPOthyroidism. She has not been treated before, except to be spayed and who knows when that happened. (Her ear is tipped.) Vet called back. She seems to feel that there's something else going on, aside from the tongue injury and the stomatitis, bc she's not eating or drinking. I disagree, bc I think a tongue nearly split in 2 and stomatitis are Plenty enough reason Not to want to put anything in your mouth. But since I'm not a vet, I will defer to an actual vet. So, the vet is going to admit Maggie. I did already mention the possibility of giving Maggie a feeding tube, but the vet has not yet addressed that with me. I hope she is willing to do it, for Maggie's sake. Now, I have to get Maggie crated again and off to the vet. Good luck to me re the crating thing. Maggie hates that thing. I'm just hoping that she doesn't clock me into oblivion. I'll keep you guys posted. And thanks so much for all the help and advice. 🤗


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
I am so grateful that you have gone "to bat" for Maggie! If you have access to a holistic vet or a vet knowledgeable about herbs, you can ask about using slippery elm bark decoction via syringe to help soothe and heal Maggie's painful mucosa. Marshmallow root has similar properties. The biggest challenge that i have encountered using those herbs is that the soothing coating goes the whole route from mouth to rectum (taken orally, it can be very effective for post-colonoscopy soreness and dental procedures in humans) and therefore can interfere with absorption of medications so my vet and I consider it best to separate adminstration between the herbs and the pharmaceuticals by 2-4 hours.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2024
So, I was able to get Maggie into the carrier again. She took a swipe at my face and missed, thankfully. And now she's at the vet. They are admitting her. They haven't told me yet if they're going to fit her with the feeding tube, but I sure hope so. More when I know more ... 🤗


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
Wow what a story. No doubt her tounge is hurting her. If they have to put her to sleep to put the tube in, why don't they do the surgery to repair/amputate the tounge at the same time rather than puting her to sleep twice?
I'm sure theres a reason though.

Its really good you were there though. The fact the tissue was black tells me their is some degree of necrosis (tissue death) going on. If that's the case it needs to be removed or it can spread.

As for yourself, are you in a seperate unit now? If so could kitty stay with you? I would be concerned that the owner would neglect kitty again and she would deteriorate.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2024
Hi Indy,
I'm in my own room in the same apt with Frank. I've already told him: Maggie is now 'officially' my cat. I don't want him feeding her, giving her water, Nothing. If you can't trouble yourself to even *try* to help her, then I'll do it and she's no longer someone that you need to worry abt. No, I'm Maggie's caretaker now. I just hope she makes it through this. No word from the vet yet.
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2024
Maggie's getting fitted with a feeding tube!

The vet just called. She (the vet) just gave me the run down. I have to feed her every 4 to 6 hours and then clean/flush it after every feeding. She keeps the tube in for as long as she needs it. Could be a week, could be a few months. We'll see. I'll be leaving to pick her up today.

Now maybe I can stop stressing that she's going to drop on me from not eating or drinking.

I'm a little freaked at the idea of tube feeding her (I want to make sure I'm super careful and clean abt it) But I'm more freaked out at the idea of watching the poor thing literally starve to death.

I'll post another update when I get her home.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
:cheerleader::clap: That is great news! Just take the tube feeding slowly and I am sure you will get the hang of it in no time! They did tell you that she can also be fed some food by mouth if/when she so chooses? Of course, the timing of that is up to the vet - and to Maggie (and you) as well.

You rock!! :worship:
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 31, 2024
Ok, so Maggie (Rockstar) is home. She weighs close to 6 lbs, a little over. The vet wants her at 8.50 lbs or so. She was at 8.25 lb when I took her into the vet last Wed. so, she's lost abt 2 lbs in 7 days. No bueno. But her feeding tube is in. She's got an additional antibiotic on board now, and a bunch of other meds I will now need to dose her with on the daily for at least 10 days: an anti-inflammatory, an anti-nausea med and a pain med. They said she's not eating bc while her tongue is healing, it has also blown up. It looks like a blow fish in there. So, Maggie doesn't know what to do with it. She probably couldn't move it right now if she wanted to. But they debrided it again for good measure and loaded her up on all the doses of all her meds for today, and her food and water for today. Tomorrow, I'm up. Tomorrow, I start "threading" her (that's what I call tube feeding her, bc I'm going to have to thread the end of the food syringe to the top of her feeding tube. Ergo, I'm threading her. For her part, 'all' Maggie has to do is sit still and let me thread her and then let me (s l o w l y) push the plunger down. Too fast and she'll get sick and 🤢 which No one wants. She's a feral, though so I don't know how much she's going to let me handle her and/or sit still.

I guess I'll find out tomorrow.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2024
Ok, so ...
1. The threading part itself was <please don't jinx yourself here> surprisingly easy. She let me thread the water to the port in preparation to flush it and then feed her.
2. I pushed down on the syringe <ever so slightly, barely at all> and Maggie lost her sh*t. She <RAN> around the room like I was trying to Murder her. which Scared the Hell outta me, bc the syringe was still attached when she launched her running rampage around the room and I was Afraid it would get caught on something and/or she would Rip it out.
She didn't rip it out and it didn't get caught on anything. She did let me un-thread it.
All that said, I must pronounce this an unmitigated failure.

So, now, onto youtube, to see if I can find videos on how to tube feed a feral baby.

If anyone here has any experience tube feeding a feral, I'd love any insight that you can offer.
I need to help this little kiddo ...



TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I am sorry that didn't go well - but, I bet it is pretty common on the first try for many folks. Would your friend at least be willing to help by holding her?

All I know to offer is to make sure whatever you are placing in the feeding tube is warm, not hot, but warm. If not, that might have been part of the problem.
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 31, 2024
So, the contents in the syringe should be warm?
I just want to make sure I'm understanding.
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